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Villiana's homepage

Welcome to my homepage, 

Feel free to unravel all the secrets hidden in this homepage and discover all about the marvellous Villiana...

I'm just kidding tho, I made this especially for my friends ( and partially because I was bored) so don't expect to find anything deep💖


Althoug I promised to not tell any secrets, I'll still tell you who I am and why I participate in this thing called IMVU. 


I am Kaat, 27 years old and I live in Belgium, I love gaming and going to amusement parks. I am madly obsessed with all sorts of music (proud to say Spotify told me I stream more music than 95,9% of all Belgians that use spotify), so naturally I also like to go to festivals with a broad variaty of music genres.


I started doing IMVU when i was 16 years old (11 years ago for those of you who can't count) because I was bored and didn't want to do my homework. Now, all this time has past and I'm still here because of all the amazing (and maybe all of the not so amazing) people I've met here. I've learned a lot of lessons here, and I'm gratefull for all of them (even the bad ones). LDRA: I'm glad I got bored 11 years ago 💀


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